Linked Equipment: The Beginning

Linked Equipment Blog: Origin Story | Blog 3 of 4

May 3rd, 2021

By: Anthony Galizia, Linked Equipment

Linked Equipment started out as a charter bus company called Southwest Charter Lines in 1986. The company ran through 2009, and within that time, major innovations navigated a bright path for Linked Equipment’s future. In 2004, Southwest Charter Lines was fortunate enough to earn a contract with Fort Bliss, a military base in El Paso, Texas. President Bush had just commanded bases to deploy troops overseas. Linked Equipment provided transportation solutions for Fort Bliss. By 2009 the little 20 bus company had tripled in size to 60 buses. In 2010, Linked Equipment realized the need for innovative solutions for buildings at Fort Bliss.

The Colonel of the base didn’t have the support for the fast growth Fort Bliss was experiencing and contracted Southwest Charter Lines to help build some modular buildings. Southwest Charter Lines said, “We wanted to succeed in this endeavor, so we said “yes” and brought in refurbished shipping container units to serve as modular restrooms, storage, offices, and living quarters. We placed them in the fields where the troops would have easy access to everything. They were extremely rugged, they went up quickly, and they could serve as a temporary or permanent structure as needed.” Thus, Linked Equipment was born. The base was not as concerned about cost, but the refurbished containers also happened to be the most cost-effective compared to other building structure materials. Southwest Charter Lines started building these units and found that they were good at it and enjoyed building them as a team. Southwest Charter Lines innovated and adapted to their consumer needs, and that is how a charter bus company got into the design and construction of modular buildings from shipping containers. During the following two years, the charter bus company had developed a lot of experience and background in modular building, especially utilizing shipping containers as the building blocks for modular facilities.

Linked Equipment was born due to the need for an innovative way to utilize alternative building materials for modular builds. Any Industry, built to your specifications!

Whitepaper: Linked Equipment Origin Story
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