How Linked Equipment Became Experts in Extraction Labs
Linked Equipment Blog: Extraction Lab Experts | Blog 2 of 4
May 3rd, 2021
By: Anthony Galizia, Linked Equipment
The year is 2021 and states are following hot pursuit one after another to legalize the adult use of Canna-Industry products. It is no doubt that the population has taken a different stance on the industry than previous generations. States like Arizona have moved to fully legalize with 60% of voters approving of Prop 207.
Modular Solutions for Many Industries
In 2015-2016, the Canna, Hemp, and CBD industry started to emerge with Government deregulations. Linked Equipment received several contracts to build labs for vendors in the Hemp Industry. Once it was made legal in California, business really took off. To date, we have more than 50 labs under our belt with labs all over the US.
Our first build was a learning curve that proved Linked Equipment can get anything done. There are numerous safety features that need to be built into the labs and Linked Equipment was eager to perfect them. In actuality, it was a huge learning curve. Linked Equipment took on one particular job that helped us hop the fence and get better at it. We had a little 20-foot lab that had to be approved by the state of Washington. Linked Equipment had our engineers put together the plans and the state of Washington approved them. When we started the build, we had to go through subsequent inspections at each stage of the process while the building was happening. The first inspection went fairly well. By the time, the second inspection took place, the state had changed its code requirements and inspector. The new state inspector traveled to Linked Equipment Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona to carry out the inspection. The plans Linked Equipment thought would pass had to be restructured. We had to start over from scratch, and it was an expensive education. But at the end of the day, we learned a lot. Our electrical engineers were on-site for 4 to 5 months working in harmony with the construction crews to develop a safe and secure extraction lab. We wound up rebuilding the lab from start to finish and passed the more stringent inspection successfully.
After that trial by fire, our crews understood exactly what to do at every step. 50 builds and zero accidents later, Linked Equipment is now an expert in building modular extraction labs. While the learning curve was fierce, Linked Equipment accepted the challenge and created a streamlined process to build a safer extraction lab with the right equipment for reliable extraction and safe working environments.
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